
Una Riley

Member since: Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Last Visit: Wednesday, 10 March 2021
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FM 2008
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Company Name
UnaCom Ltd – iAudit Consultants Ltd
Headline Summary
Una Riley had a career in the media until 1985 when she was the first women to form an electronic security
design and installation organisation.
Consulting Experience

Una Riley had a career in the media until 1985 when she was the first women to form an electronic security design and installation organisation. Her company Euro Alarms (later know as Euro Security Systems) was synonymous with quality. In 2007 Una began her career as a full time consultant. Una has held many roles both in the UK and in Europe on behalf of the electronic sector and was the first woman to do so on almost every occasion. She also introduced the ‘Peter Greenwood Award’ the longest established award of its kind as well as the relatively new (2011) Women in Security Award that was created for the wider private security profession by involving all industry lead bodies. Outlined below are some of the industry roles held over the past thirty years. The wealth of experience and knowledge is transferred in to the service offered by UnaCom and iAudit Consultants.